How Getting Fired Changed My Life

We're taught to associate failure with getting fired, when often times it is the very catalyst that allows us to experience incredible progress. In this episode you will learn techniques to fills gaps in your resume, how to build skills to help you change your career, and use getting fired as an opportunity to create new and exciting experiences for yourself. While losing a job is inherently a stressful experience, it's critical to start seeing it as a life changing event - for the better.We discuss how to rewire your brain to embrace the loss of a job, and create opportunities for yourself that will help you grow and skip multiple rungs on the ladder of your career in a short period of time. You'll hear stories about some of the most profoundly successful people on earth, like Oprah Winfrey, J.K. Rowling, and Bill Belichick, and how getting fired directly helped the growth of their careers. We also tell you our personal stories of getting fired, and how we leveraged the free time that we had to transition careers and massively increase our incomes. Getting fired can help you become unstuck, and take on completely new experiences. For Sergei, it was getting a chance to act in an ABC pilot. For me, it was having the opportunity to speak in front of over 1,000 people. Both would never happen if we weren't forced to act and move forward. At every step of the way, you control your own story. In this podcast we also discuss how to create a narrative about your experience that fits the roles you're looking for, and how to effectively bridge any gap created in your resume. A career is not always linear, and humans are born to have varying interests. Getting fired can give you the push you need to explore a completely different lifestyle for yourself, or to learn entirely new skills. Arnold Schwarzenegger made his millions as a body builder, brick layer, and real estate investor before he ever got into acting and eventually politics. We're all allowed to rewrite our own path, and getting fired can be the best way to start. See for privacy and opt-out information.

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