1687: Looming Building Crisis & Surging Inflation on the Supply Side
We have gone from an Everything Bubble to an Everything Shortage. The problem this time around is, there's nothing our central bank can do to handle a supply shortage causing prices to rise.
Jason Hartman examines the issues currently facing the housing market, and how it's going to impact it not just today, but in the months and years to come. How are you going to protect yourself from the coming inflation and looming shortages?
Key Takeaways:
[2:17] Self-liquidating debt is a beautiful thing that we can use in income property
[6:23] Even concrete is in demand because of a short supply of SAND
[11:14] The "just in time delivery" can't withstand any disruptions
[15:51] Technology creates the ability for a level of control over us that's never been seen before
[17:48] Surging inflation is hitting the US now
[22:37] The Federal Reserve doesn't have the monetary toolkit to deal with supply side inflation