#058 - Michael Steinberg (POV horror, found footage files, found footage critic.com)

This week we speak to the creator of FoundFootageCritic.com, co-host on the found footage files podcast, and now co-owner of POV horror streaming, Michael Steinberg (aka the guy Lord Battle calls the king of found footage). Join us as we talk about everything from The Houses October Built 2 to Dogme 95. Be warned, a coffee fueled Lord Battle fan boys out and with KillDozer (Justin) absent due to a last min Disney trip, and it's up to Clark Little to wrangle him in... Pre-order the Hell House LLC director's cut DVD at www.hellhousellc.com If you'd like to get in contact with us, you can reach us at Podcast@TheOverlookTheatre.com or on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter under @OverlookTheatre.

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