#55 - PUFF 2017 (Philadelphia Unnamed Film Fest)
This week we are joined by PUFF Program director, former guest of the Overlook Hour, and host of the San Francisco Alamo Drafthouse's Video Vortex, Madeleine Koestner. She drops by to give us the run down of this year's PUFF line up and discuss programing a film fest. We are also fulfilling one of Lord Battle's dreams and recording from the (newly dubbed) Overlook balcony in the New Mission theatre. You can Purchase PUFF tickets here: (https://filmfreeway.com/festival/PhiladelphiaUnnamedFilmFestival/tickets) For more PUFF info head here: (https://www.facebook.com/phillyunnamed/) If you'd like to get in contact with us, you can reach us at Podcast@TheOverlookTheatre.com or on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter under @OverlookTheatre.