#40 - Jai Love (Dead Hands Dig Deep)
The stars have finally aligned and we got a chance to sit and talk to Jai Love, who traveled from his home in Sydney, Australia to Temecula, California in order to unearth a local metal legend. Dead Hands Dig Deep is a metal doc that actually delivers a band you haven't heard of and will want to track down. We also learn what was in that duffle bag in front of Clark's house, KillDozer (Justin) shares a few fun facts from a couple Australian horror films, and Lord Battle discovers a SOV found footage film from 1991 starring Danny Bonaduce. To reach Jai Love head to www.DeadHandsDigDeep.com and to hear us discuss his film checkout episode #38- Shock Rock and Docs. If you'd like to get in contact with us, you can reach us at Podcast@TheOverlookTheatre.com or on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter under @OverlookTheatre.