#022 - We Spoil The Bye Bye Man w/guests Madeleine Koestner (Fangoria) and Dabbles aka Nilo
DJ Butstuff returns and is joined by our good friend Madeleine Koestner, to help the Overlook Hour boys digest the first horror release of the year, The Bye Bye Man. Clark Little also talks about A Monster Calls, KillDozer (Justin) shares a story about a depressing yardsale, Lord Battle (Russell) talks about the Midnites 4 Maniacs Paul Verhoeven marathon, Dabbles (Nilo) graces us with his powerhouse tagline. And Randy's sick. You won't wanna miss this one. If you'd like to get in contact with us, you can reach us at Podcast@TheOverlookTheatre.com on Instagram and Facebook under TheOverlookTheatre, and on Twitter @overlooktheatre.