Nodes of Design#6: Digital Minimalism by Blesson Varghese
MINIMALISM IS THE ART OF KNOWING HOW MUCH IS JUST ENOUGH. DIGITAL MINIMALISM APPLIES THIS IDEA TO OUR PERSONAL TECHNOLOGY. IT'S THE KEY TO LIVING A FOCUSED LIFE IN AN INCREASINGLY NOISY WORLD - CAL NEWPORT As being designers, we always stuck with using different digital medium to engage or design or interact. Still, during these we most of the time forget ourselves and over consume to much content which leads to being restless. In this episode of Nodes of design, we have Blesson Varghese a brand identity designer who created some exceptional brand identity designs that he has a cult of 45K followers on Instagram for his fantastic work. He is a follower and evangelist of digital minimalism, In this episode, he shared a lot of details and explained what exactly is minimalism and its child the digital minimalism breaking down the patterns we exploded into a conversation giving the best tips and suggestions on how to control your digital usage and how one can prevent themselves from being a digital zombie. If this episode helped you understand and learn something new, please share and be a part of the knowledge-sharing community #Spreadknowledge. This podcast aims to make design education accessible to all. Nodes of Design is a non-profit and self-sponsored initiative by Tejj.