When Should Your Business Buy Paid Ads? | Ep. #9
Don't jump into paid ads unless you can define your target audience.In Episode 9, we get the pleasure of speaking with Von'Dre Smith, Detriot-based digital marketer and Founder of Atmosfera LLC. After working at the search giant Google, Von'Dre started his own business and began specializing in restaurant branding and marketing. Throughout the episode, we outline the importance of buyer personas when it comes to finding your ideal customers, and how understanding human psychology and behavior can improve your approach to marketing and business strategies.Leave some feedback:What should we talk about next?Did you enjoy this episode? If so, please leave a short review!Instagram, @creativebriefpodcastConnect with Chris and Nick:https://revcarto.comSocials, @chrisdavisworks and @revcartohttps://kowalacreative.comSocials, @nklenchik and @kowalacreativeConnect with Von'Dre:https://www.myatmosfera.comSocial @whodoesyourmarketing