NLP Technique To Ask Better Sales Questions: A Sales Success Story with Nancy Stiver

Clients can feel weary and nervous when having sales conversations with you, even if they don’t show it visibly. What can you do to ease the conversation’s atmosphere so your potential clients are more open to discussing your offers? Your very own Sales Maven, Nikki Rausch, is here to offer tips, techniques, and strategies to master your sales conversations. Discover methods to place yourself in the position to thrive in business and produce true value for your audience. Today, hear foundational strategies for comfortably communicating during the sales process on this episode of the Sales Maven Show.

Nancy Stiver is here to discuss her sales success story as a Sales Maven Society Member. At the start of the episode, Nancy reminisces about her early days as a teacher. Her job title changed since then, but Nancy says that teaching is one part of her skills that follows her throughout every role she fulfills. She talks about her experience being a Headhunter, working in the auction business, and eventually becoming a general sales manager. All the previous roles on her path led Nancy to join a business founded by a former colleague called Lavinia Capital Group. 

Nancy is a partner of Lavinia Capital Group as a consultant to anyone working in the business field. The company helps all businesses in four divisions: Incubation, Rescue, Training, Legacy. Nancy explains how she assists mostly in the Rescue and  Training categories, and describes the communication style she uses in her approach. As a consultant, connecting with clients is important to understand their needs and provide guidance. This is why Nancy values the new strategies that create more insightful conversations with clients.

Nancy’s parents instilled the value of a growth mindset and being a lifelong learner; growing in the Sales maven Society gives Nancy the chance to learn. On the topic of communication strategies, Nikki and Nancy discuss why softening phrases help you gain influence, how pre-framing relaxes clients in conversations, and what makes curiosity another foundational strategy in the sales process.

Nikki wants to invite you to join the Sales Maven Society, don't miss this opportunity for you and Nikki to work together. Bring your questions, concerns, sales challenges, and she provides answers and guidance to boost your confidence. Join the Sales Maven Society here, click add to cart, and then checkout and use coupon code: 47trial to get your first month for $47.00!


In This Episode:

[00:42] - Welcome, and thank you for listening!

[02:31] - Nancy Stiver describes the business she’s involved in as a consultant at Lavidia Capital Partners.

[04:49] - Nancy and Nikki share what they admire about each other, and the mutual empowerment they feel.

[06:55] - “Teaching is really a sales job.” Why did this idea have so much influence in Nancy’s work? 

[08:27] - Nancy talks about the strategy of softening phrases taught by Nikki. Then, Nikki adds on to give more context to their use.

[11:16] - Nikki recalls a time of realizing and adjusting her communication style in the workplace.

[14:12] - How did Nikki’s very direct style of communication changed with softening phrases?

[16:08] - On the topic of communication strategies, Nikki and Nancy discuss how pre-framing relaxes clients in conversations.

[18:22] - Creating curiosity is another foundational strategy that is part of the sales process.

[20:38] - Nancy appreciates the collection of courses and community network accessible through the Sales Maven Society.

[22:42] - Here is one of Nikki’s favorite softening phrases.

[25:42] - Thank you for listening. Nikki is so grateful you are here!


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