Selling on eBay - Ep 6 - Holiday Shipping Tips, What's Trending on eBay, Weekly eBay News and Your Calls!
Selling on eBay - Ep 6 - Holiday Shipping Tips, What's Trending on eBay, Weekly eBay News and YourCalls!
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Welcome to Selling on eBay, your weekly source for the information you need to start, run and grow a business on the world's best marketplace! This week we're continuing our Get the Edge on Holiday series with Jen Lindh from the eBay shipping team who will talk about critical holiday shipping tips for the holiday season. Liz Austin returns with What's Trending on eBay, talking about the new iPhone. As always we'll also take some calls. To have your selling questions answered by our Selling on eBay staff during the next broadcast, call us at 888 723-4630. Use #ebaypodcast on social media, and you can also email us at
00:01 - Intro
02:34 - News with Griff and Audrey
08:55 - What's Trending on eBay with Liz Austin
21:09 - Holiday Shipping Tips with Jen Lindh
39:51 - Listener Calls
48:11 - Outro
Links / Phone Numbers / Hashtags Mentioned:
888-723-4630 - Call in Line
RobXzNYC - Seller