Annika Isterling talks about how to bring peace and harmony to your home for 2020
Annika Isterling began her career as a model and in 2005, decided to go to India for Ashtanga Teacher Training, which changed her life. From that point on, yoga and meditation have been part of her daily life and for the past 15 years, she transformed her life and herself from a yoga student to a yoga master. Today, she leads workshops around the world, is the Author of two books ("Wohlsein: Yoga-Retreats für zu Hause" and "Ankommen: Deine Yogapraxis für zu Hause"), and a teacher on She is also a regular contributor to Emotion Slow magazine and is teaching at Damn Good Yoga in Hamburg where she is based. Annika also has yoga videos by Brigitte magazine, and still works as a model after 20 years in the industry. She’s a single mom to two children yet still manages to maintain balance, inner peace and loves to share all that she’s learned with others. In this podcast, Annika talks about how to bring peace and harmony to the home for the new year, why the home is an important space, the way color can affect mood, the importance of creating a sacred space where you can take care of yourself to relax and unwind and so much more. Annika has many personal and beautiful lessons to teach us, so I hope that you enjoy meeting my special friend through this podcast. If you like this episode of HELLO HOLLY, please rate it and leave a review. If you think your friends or colleagues should listen too, please share it on your Instagram Stories and tag us at @hollymagazin and #hollymag so we can re-share your story! Thank you so much and enjoy episode 8 of HELLO HOLLY! This concludes our first season of HELLO HOLLY. We will return in February with more episodes and begin Season Two then. In the meantime, please subscribe to this podcast so once Season Two is ready, you won’t miss it! Thank you.