Charlotte Hedeman-Guéniau talks about building a brand and being happy at home
RICE is a globally recognized home brand and leading it is Danish-born Charlotte Hedeman-Guéniau, alongside her French husband Phillip along with her son and daughter who recently joined the brand with their own creative input and ideas (her daughter is soon to launch her own label powered by RICE called CURRY). RICE is known for their happy, colorful products for the home including furniture, party goods, tableware and everything else you can imagine from baskets to serving spoons and vases. RICE is sold globally from Japan to San Francisco, with a large and loyal following in Europe. They’ve recently extended their brand to form RICETERIA, restaurants that serve healthy, colorful food alongside of RICE products all under a cheerful and playful roof. In this podcast, Charlotte tells us why she relocated from Paris after 15 years to have her children in her native Denmark, how the brand got started, which products were her first to market, how travel plays a big part in her creativity, and why happiness has always been a big theme in everything she does. This podcast is for anyone who wants to get to know the power woman behind RICE and how she became so successful, what drives her and what she has planned in the months to come. It’s also for the dreamers who imagine starting their own brand – Charlotte is inspiring, strong-willed and confident in all of her decisions and her unwavering dedication to RICE (and to her family) has made her a true success story in business and as a mother and friend. If you like this episode of HELLO HOLLY, please rate it and leave a review. If you think your friends or colleagues should listen too, please share it on your Instagram Stories and tag us at @hollymagazin and #hollymag so we can re-share your story! Thank you so much and enjoy episode 6 of HELLO HOLLY!