Interventions That Will Optimize Your Board with Rob Acton
Board builder Rob Acton joins us to discuss specific strategies and tactics to optimize your board. He offers actionable tactics that you can implement today. Acton, founder of Cause Strategy Partners, discusses the three categories of tactics:
- Making better use of board meetings
- Treating board members as individuals not “the board"
- Reshaping board culture
Cause Strategy Partners:
Twitter: @RobertActon
Twitter: @causestrategy
*****Time Stamped Highlights*****
(10:00) Designing board meetings that are not snooze fests
(11:30) An alternative to simply reading the Executive Director’s report
(13:30) The “Plus, Delta, Question” exercise every executive director can use with their board
(17:00) The power of generative questions
(21:40) Building the strategic dashboard your board needs
(28:00) Uncovering the unique strengths of board candidates
(33:15) Rob’s advice for nonprofit board candidates to consider
(35:45) The amount of time a board candidate should expect to volunteer each month.