078: Why are Architect Fees Low? with Rion Willard
This week I respond to a recent micro poll, which I conducted on social media that asked architects what they thought the biggest challenge facing the industry is. The results came in showing that the 'Low fees' were considered the biggest challenge followed by climate change, with many commenting that our ability to influence climate change is related to our ability to produce revenue. Do you agree? I shared the results from the initial poll all over social media and asked the question do you agree? Do architects actually have low fees? and if so why? What are the reasons behind low fees across the profession? What do you think the practices who command high fees doing? (I give some case studies of some practices I spoken to who are crushing it). The posts and polls were viewed by over 6000 people and many of you responded and gave your insights. This podcast is a curation of some of those comments and ideas from architects, marketers, property experts, business owners, media institutions, students and industry thought leaders with some of my own commentary and thoughts on the subject. At the Business of Architecture UK our mission is to help architects command the fees they desire and our ongoing industry research helps us refine and develop our tools, strategies and consulting. So I want to thank everybody for their ongoing contribution and encourage everyone to view this as conversation that is important for us all to participate in, so please your thoughts and ideas in the comments or email me at rion@businessofarchitecture.co.uk In this episode you will discover: - An array of industry opinions to the root causes of low fees - Examples of what leading practices are doing to command well deserved fees and how they are winning work - Latent opportunities that lie in our businesses This week's resources: Discovery call with Rion https://www.businessofarchitecture.co.uk/discoverycall