Drugs and the Creatives Who Do Them

This is the podcast I wished existed a year ago. This is the podcast on creativity as a craft. About connecting dots. Summoning the muse. This is about the big question that so many podcasts like this try to answer but instead skirt around it, or completely miss the point. This is about... How to get good ideas. How is that done? Can we talk about that? Because thats what creativity is about. Good ideas. Good ideas that solve problems, that make for good stories, that create something new, original, beautiful or compelling. The good ideas that help us ask questions as often as it helps us answer themWhere are these good ideas and how do we find them. And why are SOME people so damn good at it?What is it about good ideas, novel ideas, bold and daring ideas, that makes them funnel with such density into the consciousnesses of such a select few creative geniuses. What makes the Platos, Picassos, Tolstoy’s, Teslas, Kanyes, and Copernicus’s such great conductors of that mystical creative energy. They seem to be able to summon the ideas whenever they need them. And their ideas are SO good. They change the world.Why can’t I summon world changing ideas. What are they doing differently than me. Why is the gap between them, and me, so so great. I don’t feel in control of when Ideas arrive. In fact, last year I was pretty stuck. It was getting stuck that got me here. I kinda just dropped everything to take on these questions on. About a year ago... The well ran dry and I panicked, looked for answers and couldn’t immediately find any. So since then,this is what I’ve been working on; getting answers to these questions. The Well. The Source. The Cave.We’re going to look at what it takes to connect dots. To look at creativity, as a craft in itself. This isn’t about painting. This is about what happens inside our own consciousnesses before the paint even hits the canvas. This is about the rites, rituals, remedies and habits that the best creatives the world has seen use to summon the muse, heal themselves, and put out the best work possible.This is the hunt for the Ultimate Creative Process.My name is Joe Bowers and this is the Caveman Creative.

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