Zencast 62 - An Interview with Kusala Bhikshu - Pt1 (Video)
A video interview with Rev. Kusala Bhikshu on his work and practice. Rev. Kusala's interview was filmed at the International Buddhist Meditation Center in March, 2006 by Magic Bell Productions for "The Buddhist Way of Life," a weekly * TV program on Buddhism. In part 1 Kusala talks on why and how he came to practice Buddhism and his views on the future of Buddhism in America. In part 2 Kusala plays some blues harmonica, talks about being a volunteer police chaplain, going to the Orange County Coroner's office and the Buddhist goal of Nirvana.*Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai © 2006
UrbanDharma.org ; Kusala Bhikshu ; Urban Dharma Podcast