The State of the Practice with Wanda Lau of ARCHITECT Magazine
Wanda Lau, LEED AP, is the editor of tech, practice, and products for ARCHITECT and Architectural Lighting. Along with 10 years of experience in the AEC industry, she holds a B.S. in civil engineering from Michigan State University, an S.M. in building technology from MIT, and an M.A. in journalism from Syracuse University's Newhouse School. Her writing covers a wide range of topics including architecture, technology, business, sustainability, and energy performance, and has appeared in Architect, Architectural Lighting, Eco-Structure, Men’s Health, ASID Icon, University Business, Urban Land, The Syracuse Post-Standard, among others. You can also hear her interviewing leaders in design and technology on Architect's podcast, ArchitectChats. In this episode, we discuss what current AEC technologies she finds most fascinating, how she comes up with her story ideas, what topics she thinks deserve more attention, and her thoughts on covering the architecture profession in the #MeToo era.