28: Starting an EIGHT FIGURE Business on CREDIT CARDS with Dr. Mike DiMarco
Like a lot of us, Dr. Michael DiMarco started his career in jobs that didn’t serve him (or the people he was supposedly serving). Looking back, he’s now grateful that being fired from those jobs was just one of the things that needed to happen for him to start pursuing his own dreams.
“Everything is a little nudge pushing you to where you’re supposed to be.”
With an ongoing interesting in both body building and lifestyle health, Michael took charge and started to create the life he wanted. And because he had a passion for helping others in the body building arena (especially those who were the victim of crappy supplement sponsorships), he also co-founded the thriving supplement company, Shredz. The company passionately believes in selling quality products in addition to providing educational information on lifestyle.
Let’s back up a sec here though… Did I mention that Shredz was originally started on a $15,000 credit card? While for some this would lead down a road of disaster, Mike’s upbringing taught him to be responsible and he made it work. He and his found started out with the basics – finding a manufacturer and starting small so they didn’t go further into debt. And over time it’s become a success story – now an eight-figure company and growing.
But even with Michael’s wild success, he truly believes that his success has never been about the money.
“Money isn’t the goal. Put yourself in the consumers’ shoes and think about if you’re adding value their lives.”
Sure, if your short-term goal is to make a lot money, you can deceive and tell people want they want to hear with zero follow-through. However, if you want to make money and an impact for the long term you need to add value and do the things that fill your cup.
“If you want to have a great life and be fulfilled, you have to do the things that make you happy and feed your mission or purpose in life.”
So what advice does Michael have for budding entrepreneurs? He encourages others to build a brand that everyone can identify with.
“You have to create a brand that connects.”
Don’t create a business just so you can see your name. Help as many people as you can, whether it’s with that business or your day-to-day actions. It’s not worth as much if the business is just about you.
“If you attach a purpose to your business or your business already has a purpose, that to me is the way to make an impact.”
Whether through his own chiropractor practice or his company that helps people get healthy, Michael uses his wealth to do just that.
“Money and success allow you to amplify the impact you can make.”
Message received loud and clear. If that doesn’t inspire you to DO more, I don’t know what will.
In This Episode You Will Learn:
Adding value to consumers’ lives
Creating a brand that connects
Making an impact
FB: facebook.com/drdimarco
IG: @drdimarco
SoulAbility Podcast:
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