Welcome to Sleepy Time Tales
Good evening friends, Do you find yourself lying awake at night, mind spinning and emotions in turmoil with the anxieties of 21st century life? Do you wake up in the middle of the night, find yourself not quite able to doze back off at 3am?
I’m here to help.
My name is Dave, and I’m the narrator of Sleepy Time Tales.
Every week I read or tell a new story in my boring voice to help insomniacs stop their spinning minds and get a good night’s sleep.
So if you’re struggling to get a night’s rest, try out Sleepy Time Tales. Available wherever you listen to podcasts and on the web at sleepytimetales.net
Website: https://sleepytimetales.net
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sleepytimetales
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sleepytimetalespodcast
Music: http://loyaltyfreakmusic.com/