Episode 66 - A Podcast That Defies All Genres! + 6 Good Genre Defying Games
We're back for Episode 66
In this episode Cody and Eric catch up on the news and discuss 6 Good Genre Defying Games.
We are doing news for the first monthly episode and then "catching up" later in the month.
Episode Guide
Quick Questions 7:18
Patreon 19:07
News 27:17
Eric's Take - SNES - 1:04:04
Tea Time With Tim - XBOX - 1:19:40
6 Good Genre Defying Games 1:41:40
(Cody) - GBA get its first commercial release in 13 years? https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/08/the_game_boy_advance_is_getting_its_first_commercial_release_in_13_years
(Tim) - Sarah Jane Avory – Briley Witch Chronicles Trailer showing the latest updates to the long awaited C64 RPG. Looks like its now getting close to completion.
(Eric) - Golf Sunday on Pico-8 out now and it’s fun! - https://johanpeitz.itch.io/golf-sunday
(Cody) Game Boy Productivity App - https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/09/a_game_boy_productivity_suite_has_been_fully_funded_on_kickstarter
(Tim) - Everyones favorite 16k Speccy game JetPac is coming soon to the Acorn Electron via @snuggsy187 on twitter, check out his Twitter feed for updates. This is looking amazing.
(Eric) Cotton Reboot! On PS4 and Switch - https://ausretrogamer.com/cotton-reboot-nintendo-switch-review/
(Cody) Anbernic Vertical - https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/08/hands_on_the_anbernic_r351v_offers_a_real_game_boy_vibe
(Tim) - New MSX PacMan game from MSX Game Dev 2021 competition. Looks amazing and a kind of top-down version of PacMania for the MSX
(Cody) Souless II release By Psytronik - https://psytronik.itch.io/soulless2
(Tim) - The Immortal #C64 Podcast - Episode 100 Part 1 Released. - C64 SID Tune Podcast reaches 100 episodes. If you have not listened, I would recommend this one. A great selection of SID tunes new and old each month.
(Cody) Metroid Prime 2D Fan Remake shutdown - https://kotaku.com/awesome-metroid-prime-2d-fan-project-gets-nintendo-d-1847572696
(Tim) - The Checkmate A1500 Mini Amiga style case is now confirmed ready for shipping. My case should be coming in the next few weeks.
(Eric) Two Classic '90s Games Are Being Reprinted On SNES, And Pre-Orders Are Open - https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/09/two_classic_90s_games_are_being_reprinted_on_snes_and_pre-orders_are_open
(Cody) - New NES Games! https://slowmoledev.itch.io/slow-mole
(Tim) - Our good friend Doug (and Patreon) @10MARC received an A600 and a bunch of other goodies from me in August. He did a video of the unboxing and is now doing a series on the A600 and what his doing to customize it. Go subscribe to Doug’s channel and watch it as he is very close to 5k subscribers.
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Thanks for listening!
You can always reach us at podcast@pixelgaiden.com. Send us an email if we missed anything in the show notes you need. You can now support us on Patreon.
Thank you to Henrik Ladefoged, Roy Fielding, Garry Heather, Matthew Ackerman, Josh Malone, Daniel James, 10MARC, Eric Sandgren, David Motowylak, Team Gray All The Way, Maciej Sosnowski, Paradroyd, RAM OK ROM OK, Mitsoyama, David Vincent, Ant Stiller, CityXen, Hermski, VaderGB, Mr. Toast, Jason Holland, and Dustin Newell for making this show possible through their generous donation to the show.
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