Faith and Doubt | 3
Jesus’ popularity continues to spread around the region of Galilee, making it increasingly difficult to travel on foot. As a result, Jesus and his disciples often sail along the coast teaching and ministering. Upon reaching one particular shore they make their way up a hill to find an overwhelmingly large crowd gathered in the valley below.
Upon seeing Jesus, the crowd stirs, desperate for a touch from God—desperate to see what this rabbi they have heard so much about will do next. But how long has this mass of people been waiting? They have come with hungry hearts, but what of their empty stomachs? With what will Jesus and His disciples feed this massive crowd when they only have the bare minimum at their disposal?
What happens next is enough to rally the crowd, shifting their interpretation of Jesus’ ministry from traveling miracle-worker to the possibility of something entirely different: a king, liberator from the oppressive Roman rule. Tune into this episode to find out who Jesus truly is, and why simply being king in this specific moment of history falls so severely short of the good news He came to bring.
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