Does PR Still Have an Impact?
In today’s changing-by-the-minute media landscape, how do you get your firm’s projects published, viewed, and talked about? Does public relations still have an impact in this age of social media? Three veterans Elizabeth Blitzer, Sarah Boyd and Lauren Urband discuss the ins and out of PR, what they can do for a designer’s career—and when it might not be worth the investment. In this episode, we dive into: How to expand PR opportunities beyond print magazines The limitations of Instagram Working with influencers The value of regional publications Exclusivity agreements How to leverage projects on various fronts The career point at which to hire a designer Advice for young / newer designers Choosing goals with clients Check out these resources for more information: An intro to what publicists do via Elle Decor Lauren Urband’s webinar on how to generate buzz about your design business via Chairish An interview with Elizabeth Blitzer via the Lifestyle Edit Connect with Chairish and our guests on Instagram: Chairish: @chairishco Michael Boodro: @michaelboodro Lauren Urband: @lurband22 Sarah Boyd: @sarahmcboyd Blitzer a Company: @blitzer_co See for privacy and opt-out information.