028: Balancing Law and Analysis on a Bar Exam Essay
Welcome back to the Bar Exam Toolbox podcast! Today, we're discussing how to balance the law and your analysis on a bar exam essay, and why the ratio of law to analysis may be very different than you think!
In this episode, we discuss:
- Why memorizing the law is important, but not enough to pass the bar exam
- How much law you really need to know for the bar exam
- How to balance law and analysis, and what the ideal ratio is for a good essay
- What you do need to memorize, and how to use it effectively
- What to do when you just don’t know the law
- Resources to help you learn the law you do need
- Writing of the Week (https://barexamtoolbox.com/writing-of-the-week-wow-bar-essay-workshop/)
- Brainy Bar Bank (https://barexamtoolbox.com/brainy-bar-bank/)
- Podcast Episode 23: Tackling an MEE Corporations Question (https://barexamtoolbox.com/podcast-episode-23-tackling-an-mee-corporations-question/)
- Podcast Episode 24: Tackling a California Bar Exam Essay: Professional Responsibility and Evidence (https://barexamtoolbox.com/podcast-episode-24-tackling-a-california-bar-exam-essay-professional-responsibility-and-evidence/)
- Commonly Tested Bar Exam Topics: UBE vs California (https://barexamtoolbox.com/commonly-tested-bar-exam-topics-ube-vs-ca/)
- Lean Sheets (http://www.leansheets.com/)
- SmartBarPrep (https://smartbarprep.com/)
- BarEssays (https://com)
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Download the Transcript (https://barexamtoolbox.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Episode-28-Balancing-Law-and-Analysis-on-a-Bar-Exam-Essay.pdf)
Thanks for listening!
Alison & Lee