012: Bar Exam-Day Tips (w/Brittany Raposa)

Welcome back to the Bar Exam Toolbox Podcast. Today we're getting ready for exam day with bar exam expert Brittany Raposa, Director of Bar Support at Roger Williams University School of Law and a bar exam and law school tutor with the Law School Toolbox and Bar Exam Toolbox.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Making sure your computer is bar exam ready – including installing and testing the bar exam software
  • The importance of really thinking about where you will stay while taking the bar exam and some important considerations (quick tip: if you’re staying at the bar-recommended hotel get a lower floor room!)
  • Transportation – important things to think about if you’re not walking distance to the exam testing site
  • Why it is essential that you read ALL of the rules and know what is allowed in the room and what isn’t – and then make sure you are taking your practice exams under the same conditions
  • Food is fuel – why you need to consider what you're eating throughout bar exam week (and even bar study) 
  • Negativity and anxiety and some tips for handling both


Episode Transcript: Download the Transcript (https://barexamtoolbox.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/BET-Ep-12-Bar-Exam-Day-Tips-w-Brittany-Raposa.pdf)

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Thanks for listening!

Alison & Lee




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