008: What Happens if You Fail the Bar Exam (w/Ariel Salzer)

Welcome to the Bar Exam Toolbox podcast! Today we are discussing a difficult reality for many law graduates. What happens if you fail the bar exam? If you've just gotten disappointing news, we have helpful tips in this podcast to help you regroup. If you are in law school right now, this podcast can offer you tips on how to make sure you are as prepared as possible for the bar exam. So, hopefully this will be the only attempt that you need!

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Why you need to go over your essay answers and critically evaluate what went wrong (even if it's not pleasant to do so)
  • What bar graders are really looking for and how to ensure your essays meet those expectations
  • PRACTICE! And why it’s even more important for repeat takers
  • The benefits of journaling during bar study
  • The importance of evaluating the study tools you used the first time and exploring new tools the second time around
  • Why you should make sure the time is right in your personal life for bar study and re-taking the bar


Episode Transcript: Download the Transcript (https://barexamtoolbox.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/BET-Ep-8-What-Happens-if-you-Fail-Bar-Exam.pdf) 

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Thanks for listening!

Alison & Lee




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