007: A Conversation with Sean Silverman - MBE Expert

Welcome back to the Bar Exam Toolbox podcast! Today Lee talks with guest Sean Silverman, an MBE expert, who tutors for the MBE, the Florida bar exam, and the UBE.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • MBE tips for first-time takers and repeat takers
  • Why you don’t have to “ace” the MBE
  • The importance of training for the MBE like an athletic event – building endurance and learning time management through PRACTICE
  • How specifically looking for the wrong answers may help you do better on the exam
  • What rule “exceptions” and “nuances” have to do with the MBE and ways to ensure you’re not missing them


Episode Transcript: Download the Transcript (https://barexamtoolbox.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/BET-Ep-7-Conversation-w-Sean-Silverman-MBE-Expert.pdf)

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Thanks for listening!

Alison & Lee

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