88) Use the Neo Strategy to Get the Best out of People
Have you ever wanted to get the most out of your team? To make a client more loyal? To have a better experience with co-workers? We have a strategy called "The Neo Strategy" Yes, Neo from the Matrix. If you want to make people rise to the best version of themselves, use this simple strategy. If you have not done so yet (and what are you waiting for) makes sure to subscribe to our show by clicking this link itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-art-of-likability/id878317039 leave a 5 star review while you are at it.Ace your next job interview by leveraging likability strategies at dreamjob.artoflikability.com Hit up Arel on facebook, twitter, snapchat, linkedin or even Myspace! @arelmoodieSend any questions to info@artoflikability.com