CIP024: Sarah Santacroce on Creating a Business As An Introvert

In this week’s episode of the Creative Introvert podcast I talk to my good friend and fellow introvert in business, Sarah Santacroce.   We talk about introvert retreats, masterminds, why it is introverts find it so hard to ask for help and I talk about the bridging process and making things a habit as a way to conquer anything that scares you.   On that note it was this call with Sarah that actually prompted my to take on a 30 day challenge to make a FB live video every day!   So as I record this intro I’m halfway through the challenge and so far so good - the LEague of Creative Introverts have been subjected to seeing my mug pop up every week day for the last fortnight in the private Facebook group.   Honestly? I’m kind of almost enjoying it now, now that I’ve made it a habit.          You can find the shownotes to this episode at   Also just wanted to let you know I’ve made a 6-week step-by-step guide to basically jumpstart or reboot your social media promo efforts. This is specifically for creative introverts and it is specifically for people who want someone to tell them exactly what to do every day, every week on social media. They don’t want the theory they don’t want principles - they want a step-by-step guide and they want measurable results.   Ok so currently this is only going to be going out to members of the League of Creative Introverts, which is my private community - members get access to an online library of resources which I add to every month. And for the next 6 weeks beginning the 3rd July 2017 I will be rolling out this 6 week social media plan in real time.   So what does this mean for you if you aren’t in the League? Well I thought I might reopen it for one week starting today (so from the 19th to the 26th of June 2017)    My aim isn’t to ram as many people as I can inside the LCI - because I do spend a lot of 1-1 time helping individuals and literally cannot cope if it grows too big - hence why it’s usually closed. But for this week, I’m opening doors because I really feel like this is a super valuable resource IF you do it. By going through it in real time with Leaguers I figure we have the best chance in encouraging those who will actually do the stuff and therefore will get some real results.   I’m not just making this shit for fun - I really do want to see creative introverts get their art out there - whatever it is, whatever you sell or do - I want stuff to start working for you. This is the plan for anyone who wants that too.   So. You want it? Then just follow the sign up form on you can join for as little as $19 and you will have access to the 6-week social media plan as soon as we start at the beginning of July.

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