CIP003: The C Word (Not Another How-to-Act-More Confident Guide)
To clarify: the 'C' word I'm referring to is: CONFIDENCE. It's a word that has been, for me, muddied with the likes of ‘confidence gurus’ and other extroverted characters I’ve never been able to relate to. When speaking to my coach about this confidence conundrum, he reminded me of the origin of the word: 'confidence' comes from the Latin fidere, 'to trust.' To be confident is to trust in yourself, your actions and your place in the world. Words like trust and faith happened to be very meaningful to me at that point: they were my anchors; my antidotes to the fears I was facing at every turn in building my business. So I decided that instead of running away from the word, I’d reclaim it. Take it back to it’s origins, and dispel any myths and identity crises it’s had over the years since the self-help revolution captured it.