S2E44 – Jackknifes, Rollovers, Rear End Accidents, Low Bridges and Semi Wrecks
Big RiG Wrecks - It happens every day. Many Drivers will statistically be in a chain reaction wreck becasue of Lack of CB Use. Low Bridges are just plain hit because of paying attention, Jackknifes are scarey and rollovers will ruin your career. Tune in tonight and lets talk about how to avoid these common bad accidents in Semi Trucks. Tractor Trailer wrecks are no joke and can magnify ones fears. Lets talk about it on TalkCDL the Trucker Show! Show Links: https://www.facebook.com/talkcdl/photos/a.726077187492215.1073741828.722672004499400/840412829391983/?type=3atheater