New Series 7 Top off Examination Sample Lesson 5 Securities Act of 1933
New Series 7 Top off Examination Sample Lesson 5 Securities Act of 1933 This is the most comprehensive set of audio lessons which is available for the preparation to take the New Series 7 Top off Examination the course consists of 74 lessons which amounts to 32 hours and 27 min. in total length. Audio lessons are a supplement and not a substitute for the book learning that you should also be doing. Audio lessons simply allow you to learn comprehend and reinforce what you should also be learning through normal studying methods such as attending classes, reading books, and taking practice quizzes. Over the next several weeks I'm going to be sharing with you six sample lessons from the full audio course if you're interested in buying the full set of audio lessons click the links below. You need to pass both the series 7 and the securities industries essentials examination in order to be licensed by FINRA. While you may take both exams simultaneously, normally you would want pass the securities industries essentials exam prior to taking the New series 7 exam, however, this is not required you may take the both exam simultaneously, the SIE exam prior to the series 7 exam, or the series 7 exam prior to the SIE exam . The only restriction is that you must be employed by a member firm in order take the series 7 exam but you may take the SIE exam without any industry affiliation as long as your 18 years of age or older. -------- The full table of contents for the Series 7 Top-Off Study Guide is located here New Series 7 Top-Off announcement As I said in the podcast I have just finished producing 74 lessons that now make up the new series 7 study guide audio lessons and I am looking for reviewers who would get a discount to $69.99 from the list price which will be $119.99. If you are interested in being a reviewer write me an e-mail to the e-mail address which is revealed in the podcast. The New Series 7 Top- Off Study Guide Audio Lessons is a Total Length 32 hours 27 Min _____________________________ Before you may take the New Series 7 Exam (top off Series 7 Exam) you must also pass the SIE Exam and the audio lessons I have produced may help! The full table of contents for the Securities Industry Essentials Exam Podcast Audio Lessons for the SIE Exam is located here Effective October 1, 2018 Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) changed the licensing of those that wish to work in the financial services industry. There is now a required prerequisite for most of the Licensing tests and this is the Securities Industry Essentials Exam Securities Industry Essentials Exam is a new FINRA exam for prospective securities industry professionals. This introductory-level exam assesses a candidate’s knowledge of basic securities industry information including concepts fundamental to working in the industry, such as types of products and their risks; the structure of the securities industry markets, regulatory agencies and their functions; and prohibited practices. Unlike the licensing exams such as the Series 4, 6, 7, 9, 10… which require the candidate to be employed by a member firm, Securities Industry Essentials Exam is open to anyone over the age of 18 including students and prospective candidates interested in demonstrating basic industry knowledge to potential employers. Association with a firm is not required, and individuals are permitted to take the exam before or after associating with a firm. Essentials exam results are valid for four years. Check out our podcast for the SIE Exam Here is a link to our other study products