Ep. 2 Securities Industry Essentials Exam: Outline
SIE Exam: Outline The Securities Industry Essentials Exam (SIE Exam) outline is discussed in this podcast. The SIE Exam outline is published at the FINRA Website and is available to be downloaded in a PDF Document here. The Securities Industry Essentials Exam Podcast (SIEPodcast.com) is for the individual who is interested in working in the financial services industry. To enter this profession there is now the requirement effective October 1, 2018 to take and pass the Securities Industry Essentials Exam (SIE Exam). This exam is a prerequisite exam needed prior to taking most of the other FINRA Series of Exams. The SIE Exam Podcast is for the individual who is interested in working in the financial services industry. To enter this profession there is now the requirement effective October 1, 2018 to take and pass the SIE Exam. This exam is a prerequisite exam needed prior to taking most of the other FINRA Series of Exams. This SIE Exam Podcast will contain a series of sample lessons which will cover the material required to be mastered in order to pass the Securities Industry Essentials Exam. This introduction to the SIE Exam podcasts, Outlines the exam and what is covered in the exam. In order to take the SIE Exam all that is required is that the candidate is 18 years or older it is not required that you are currently working in the financial services industry. Here are testimonials from my Series 7 Study Guide audio lessons New Series 7 Exam and SIE Exam New Series 7 Exam and SIE Exam details. FINRA has announced major changes to the Series 7 Exam effective October 1, 2018. With the introduction of the Securities Industries Essentials Exam (SIE Exam) the new series 7 has been pared down to 125 questions from its original 250 questions. https://www.finra.org/industry/series7 However there is now a prerequisite before taking the new Series 7 Exam all candidates now must have passed the SIE exam (securities industry essentials exam). In addition thing a series 7 candidate must also have an industry sponsor in order to take the examination. https://www.finra.org/industry/essentials-exam “Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) Exam Available Beginning October 1, 2018 The Securities Industry Essentials (SIE or Essentials) Exam, available beginning October 1, 2018, is a new FINRA exam for prospective securities industry professionals. This introductory-level exam assesses a candidate’s knowledge of basic securities industry information including concepts fundamental to working in the industry, such as types of products and their risks; the structure of the securities industry markets, regulatory agencies and their functions; and prohibited practices. Key Features of the Essentials Exam ________________________________________ • The Essentials exam is open to anyone aged 18 or older, including students and prospective candidates interested in demonstrating basic industry knowledge to potential employers. • Association with a firm is not required, and individuals are permitted to take the exam before or after associating with a firm. • Essentials exam results are valid for four years. The Essentials Exam at a Glance ________________________________________ Number of Items 75 Format Multiple Choice Duration 105 minutes Passing Score 70% Cost $60” Outline of SIE Exam: https://www.finra.org/sites/default/files/SIE%20Outline-01.12.18.pdf New Series 7 Exam “On or After October 1, 2018 The New Series 7 Content Outline provides a comprehensive guide to the range of topics covered on the exam, as well as the depth of knowledge required. The outline is comprised of the four main job functions of a general securities representative. The table below lists the allocation of exam questions for each main job function. Major Job Functions Percentage of Test Questions Number of Test Questions (F1) Seeks Business for the Broker-Dealer from Customers and Potential ...