BTU #347 - Marines to PMP Instructor and PM-ProLearn (Ian Fisher)

Welcome back to Beyond the Uniform. I’m Justin Nassiri and our mission is to support the military community in their civilian career. Today is episode BTU #347 - Marines to PMP Instructor and PM-ProLearn (Ian Fisher) Why listen: Here are the top two reasons to listen to today’s episode: 1.Project, Program, and Portfolio Management - at BTU we often hear questions about these three career paths, and Ian goes into great detail about what these fields are, how they relate to one’s military background, and how to succeed in these career paths. 2.Certifications - Clayton has great advice about education, certifications, and how to make one self appealing to a hiring manager.    Beyond the Uniform has over 350 podcast episodes and 20 videos with America’s top Veterans, including Jocko Willink, the former CEO of Pepsi, NFL players and more. They are all for free at If you benefit from Beyond the Uniform and would like to help get this in front of more members of the military community, please consider donating at You can also text SUPPORTBTU to 33777 and we will send you additional information. Our cost of production is $300 per month, we are an all-volunteer team, and we could use your financial support. That is at or by texting SUPPORTBTU to 33777.   About Ian: Charles “Ian” Fisher is Director of Operations at PM-ProLearn. He served for over 20 years in the U.S. Marine Corps, and since then has worked as both an IT Consultant as well as the Assistant Director of Professional Services at TimeClock Plus, a Data Management company.

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