BTU #336 - Lessons from Tuck's Next Step program (Margaux Lohry)
Why Listen: In previous episodes, several of our guests have talked about Tuck’s Next Step program - which is an accelerated way for military Veterans (and elite athletes) to go deep on learning business skills without having to spend two years getting an MBA. While we do talk about the Next Step program in this interview, we spend the bulk of our time talking about takeaways relevant to any military Veteran, such as: why it’s just as valuable to DISPROVE an potential career path as it is to find the right career path. We talk about why Next Step pairs elite athletes with Veterans for their curriculum and how much these two groups have in common - I honestly had never put this together, and when Margaux explained it it made incredible sense. We talk about the skills that will make Veterans successful in the civilian workforce, we talk about patience and flexibility, and all sorts of other tips that you’ll be able to put to use right away. If you like this episode, be sure to check out: BTU #180 - Career Advice from Andy Chan - BTU #222 - Career Transition Advice from 16 Years of Recruiting (George Randle) - BTU #239 - Career Advice #2 with George Randle - About Margaux: Marguax is the Associate Director for Transition to Business Programs at Tuck Executive Education at Dartmouth. She holds a B.A. from Colgate University and an M.S. in Sports Management at Columbia University.