The Culture Fix Audio Companion: Chapter 3 - Describing Core Values
It is all to common for the Core Values of a company to be dry and cliche, and not relatable to the unique culture found in each individual organization. After you have taken a look into the inherent culture of a company and discerned the values which have organically developed, the next step is to bring them to life. The best Core Values, however, are ones that pop. They are more descriptive and actionable and relate to the people who are tasked with living them (see Chapter 2). The goal, in the end, is to have Core Values become second nature, and become an inherent part of the culture of a business or organization. Dr. Jeremy Weisz once again sits down with Will Scott to explore his new book The Culture Fix. Listen in while they discuss how to bring Core Values to life, using the great example of Lumiere Children’s Therapy. Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: [01:50] The case study in developing Core Values: Lumiere Children’s Therapy [03:05] Core Values are most effective when they become second nature [05:52] An active Core Value example: “Evolve and Solve” [07:45] How long does it take to develop Core Values? [09:58] Where to start when crafting Core Values Resources Mentioned on this episode The Culture Fix Connect with Will About Me Culture Czars Linked In