007: Preparing Your Wedding Venue for Engagement Season Part 2
We're back with Part 2 of How to Prepare Your Wedding Venue for Engagement Season! Here's what you'll find in this episode: Refresh online presence: Web - Click Here for a Google Analytics Explanation and Walkthrough Social Advertising audit: 1. What is your budget for advertising this year? 2. Directories - Which ones are performing? - Which ones are not converting? 3. Can you leave or decrease your account? 4. If performing well can you upgrade 5. Do you want to add directories to your portfolio (i.e. regional/more local directories) Print: Does your print ad need to be recreated with fresh copy/images When will it renew? Recreate and submit ahead of time Online: Google business listing - confirm all details are accurate Can you hire a google photographer/videographer to do a 3D tour to appear on google listing Add photos VideoReviews Request: If you haven’t requested reviews recently go back to brides within the last 12 months and send an email template. Request google reviews first, paid platform reviews secondClick Here for a Review Request Template Social: Facebook Updated profile and cover photo or video Update About section - contact info, hrs, location Content FB autoresponder setup Instagram Bio updated Profile photo ContentPinterest Resources: Simple Pin PodcastVanessa Kynes Update profile photo, description, claim your website - is your profile a business account? Board audit - clean what isn’t relevant Best of Your Venue Name and where you’re located