Love What You Do By Loving What You Sell
In the words of my guest today, longevity and success in sales is rooted in your passion for the product, the issues it resolves, and the group it helps. Trina Hymes, Global Vice President of Sales at Talenya, embodies what it means to be a successful sales professional, rooting for her company and believing in its solutions. Profoundly organized and motivated by relationships with people, Trina excels at building teams and challenging recruiters to diversify their team. With her playbook at her side, she is able to document, adjust, and share the methods of effective leadership and scaling a company. Talenya is hiring! Reach out to Trina Hymes for questions about the job or to thank her for joining me today at or on LinkedIn at A big thanks to Allego for sponsoring this episode! Does improving your overall sales performance for everyone, new hires and leaders alike, sound appealing? Not only does Allego allow you to record your best sales content for practice, collaboration, and feedback, but it gives you a way to organize your best content into one place, making it easily accessible. Email me,, so I can personally introduce you to someone on Allego’s team who will take great care of you.