How To Master Your Job Search From Resume To The Thank You Note
Now that the unemployment rate has sky-rocketed to over 14% I wanted to start interviewing HR and Talent leaders to help my listeners better navigate through their job search. In this episode I speak with Amy Suchanek, Chief People Officer of Noble, which is like Amazon to the U.S. Military. We covered everything from what to do the moment you start looking for a job all the way through how to handle the thank you note and follow-up. You can connect with Amy on LinkedIn here You will hear: What you should do first before anything else How to apply for a job to improve your chances of getting called for an interview Resume and LinkedIn do's and don'ts How to handle the phone screen Questions you shouldn't ask If Noble is hiring and what the are looking for And much, much more. Over Quota is sponsored by the j. David Group, a software sales recruiting firm. If you're looking to hire a sales leader or individual contributor, click here. to schedule a call. On the other hand, if you're an overachieving sales leader or sales rep, click here to discuss potential opportunities that would be a good fit for you.