Fast Friday: Are you still a multi-tasker?
Back to talking about focus. I've been going on a bit of a tear about things that are really important to me and I hope they're inspiring you. So far we're talked about the power of no, priorities, stress...and today is more about focus. Focus is something that I'm really working on because in order to work better and be more successful, I need to improve my focus. If focus is something you need to work on then I have a few thing for you to try! Stop with Shiny Object Syndrome As entrepreneurs, I think a lot of us have shiny object syndrome. We are always looking for the next best thing. We're always kind of popping around from thing to thing and multi-tasking and doing a million things. My goal for myself and for you is to really get away from that. We need to stop the multi-tasking honestly, I want you to think about where do you need to focus. We need to stop being all over the place and we need to focus on one thing at a time. If you feel like you are doing so many things and you keep adding things in and you're feeling overwhelmed because you're doing too much, then we need to stop! I've talked about figuring out your priorities and always going back to saying no. It's all kind of in alignment. Have your priorities, say no to things that don't fit with your priorities and get focused. If you're feeling stuck in your business and you feel like you're doing too many things then let's try out some of these exercises. I love this quote from Chalene Johnson says, "When you don't focus, you’re cheating yourself of success and the life you deserve and your life's purpose." Now what? We need to focus. Click to view: show page on Awesound