Fast Friday: Let's Reduce Stress a Get Focused!

Does it go back to you taking on too many things? We've been talking about the Power of saying No and figuring out your priorities on some of the other Fast Friday episodes, so it's all kind of in alignment. Are you saying no to enough things? And do you have your priorities figured out? When we take on too many things it leads to a lot of stress and stress has some serious ramifications. Stress can cause headaches, stomach aches to major illnesses. It ages you, it can cause insomnia, it can increase blood pressure and more. I encourage you to figure out what is causing you stress and how to reduce it. One thing that causes you stress is multi-tasking. I used to take pride in the fact I am serial multi-tasker until a few months ago I didn't realize how bad it was to actually multi-task. Multi-tasking alone causes stress because your brain is constantly scanning when you're multi-tasking. If you have your phone out and you have a million tabs open on your computer and you have your iPad and you have so many things that you’re doing while you’re working it's just TOO MUCH. Every time something pops up, your brain actually has to make a decision to engage or not engage even if you don't pick up your phone your brain still has to say, "No, I'm not going to pick up my phone." I want you to think of multi-tasking and how often you engage in it. You actually can't do more than one thing at a time. Your brain toggles back and forth between the two activities you are doing. When you're making decisions you are actually using energy. If you have Facebook notifications up, you have that chime on your phone going off or a vibration, your brain is actually using energy overtime you hear that. What I found really interesting is that it requires the same amount of energy to make a big decision or a Click to view: show page on Awesound

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