SPM #24 Cherry Pick Prices
Episode #24 Cherry Pick Prices Dave Desantis of CherryPickPrices.com joins me in this episode to talk about his software that helps restaurant owners find the best possible prices for a particular item. Cherry Pick Prices is designed to organize your product prices and tell you which one of your purveyors has the best price for that item on that particular week. Dave tells us how his software works and who is the perfect candidate for using this product. What to listen for: Why Dave came up with the idea for Cherry Pick Prices How Cherry Pick Prices works What it takes to get started with cherry How this product can help you Who is this software perfect for Links From This Episode: Cherry Pick Prices Website Cherry Pick Prices on Facebook Follow Cherry on Twitter Get free Demo of Cherry Thanks For Listening Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. I hope that you have found it to be valuable. If you have a question or comment you can email at Bruce@smartpizzamarketing.com A Big Thank You to Dave of Cherry Pick Prices for coming on the show! Check out cherry and get your free 30 day trial and see if this software is for you. If you did find this information valuable it would be awesome if you could share it using the social media buttons on the side of the post. Also, please leave a quick review on Itunes or Stitcher … would really help grow the show and get more guests on to help you grow your business and marketing effort.