SPM #10 Twitter Tips for Your Business
Twitter Tips For Your Business In this weeks Quick tip Friday episode I give you a tip about how to use twitter for your business. I am sure that everyone has tried twitter once or twice and found that it is a lot of work. Using Twitter Search If you use it as a distribution tool it can seem like you never get any traction with your audience and that's because your using it as a talking tool and you really need to look at it as a listening tool. What I mean by this is use twitter.com/search to find who is talking about your business or service and start a conversation with them. Use it as a way to find out what people are saying about you or the product you provide an talk with them. Twitter Lists Twitter list are a great way to segment people you follow (or not follow) into categories so you can easily organize them. It is very effective to separate your followers to easily go back and share or curate content for later sharing. You can create a private or public list, Private ones only you can see and public ones everyone can see and people you add will get notified you added them to that list. More on this in a later post but this is a great article to read in the meantime Thanks for Listening Thank you so much for joining me today for this episode again. If you have an idea or some feedback just leave your comment below. If you could give us an honest review that would be awesome as well. If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe to the show in Itunes or Stitcher so you don’t miss the next, or any episode we have coming up in the near future. If you need help with your business or marketing e-mail me at Bruce@smartpizzamarketing.com Visit Smartpizzamarketing.com for tips and resources to help grow your business or for help with anything mentioned in this show. Twitter: https://twitter.com/Irvingmedia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Pizza-Marketing Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Smartpizzamarketing