Episode 39.1 | Bryan’s Take
Max Friedman is so humble, well-spoken, and a very genuine person. Bryan recalls how Allen Gannett was such an inspiration in his journey and how he has also been a huge part of Bryan’s journey as well. Allen believed in Max from day one and saw his potential and helped him foster this over the course of 4 years. Max has really grown as a leader and has become an amazing and hard-working person. One takeaway Bryan takes from this episode is to not be afraid to reach out and ask for help when you need it. You can read more about this episode here: https://bwmissions.com/max-friedman-one-tweet-away-from-being-mentored-by-allen-gannett/ Follow Bryan Wish on Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/bryanwish/ Follow Bryan Wish on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bryanwish_?s=11 Follow Bryan Wish on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bryanwish_/ Join our Mission: bwmissions.com/join/ Join our Community: my.community.com/bwmissions