Episode 37.1 | Bryan’s Take
Rob Volpe is someone who Bryan cares a lot for. They met two years ago and still to this day Rob still goes out of his way to help Bryan in his endeavors. Bryan takes away from this episode the importance of reflection. You should understand what is behind you to fully understand what is in front of you. Rob met Ardella and she changed his perspective around his thought process in terms of how he viewed his life. Additionally, it allowed him to take action in his career which allowed him to take the leap to start Ignite 360. You can read more about this episode here: https://bwmissions.com/rob-vlope-one-thai-chi-session-away-from-unlocking-intuition/ Follow Bryan Wish on Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/bryanwish/ Follow Bryan Wish on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bryanwish_?s=11 Follow Bryan Wish on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bryanwish_/ Join our Mission: bwmissions.com/join/ Join our Community: my.community.com/bwmissions