Episode 33.1 | Bryan’s Take
Bryan explains how Austin found himself with an opportunity by meeting Alex and bringing his mindset and skills into Morning Brew. What Austin did can be scary but it was a very courageous leap that he made. Alex and Austin made such a clear target of what they wanted to do with this new business and applied consistency and dedication every day to succeed. Bryan was grateful for meeting Austin and inspired by his intricacies and problem-solving skills. You can read more about this episode here: https://bwmissions.com/austin-rief-one-career-path-change-away-from-launching-morning-brew/ Follow Bryan Wish on Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/bryanwish/ Follow Bryan Wish on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bryanwish_?s=11 Follow Bryan Wish on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bryanwish_/ Join our Mission: bwmissions.com/join/ Join our Community: my.community.com/bwmissions