The Expat Files: 09.24.21

Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #1089 FRI, SEPT 24 (09-24 -21) 

JOHNNY’S 2021 LATIN AMERICAN “EXPAT INSIDER” SEMINAR HAS BEEN POSTPONED DUE TO BAD SCIENCE AND US GOVT STUPIDITY: The latest Latin American Seminar was scheduled for January 8th thru 14th, 2021. However, since the “usual suspect” Cov-Idiot knuckleheads in government along with talking head scientists (in the pocket of big pharma) arbitrarily place restrictions at airports and impose new lockdowns (i.e. Soviet style house arrests), please stay tuned for the new rescheduled dates (estimated to be in late Summer). That will happen when USA and Latin America airports drop the Cov-idiot test requirements, scheduled to be when so-called "Herd Immunity" has been achieved. We’re on it and will keep you posted…    


#1- Fully half of all the Ambulances in  Latin American National Healthcare Systems are DOA, either broken down or in the junkyard: Surprised? That’s what happens when idiot do-gooders and 1st world governments donate free stuff to 3rd world countries. Though in the Latin media you see corrupt bureaucrats and vehicle donors in smiley photo-op events all the time, its a very dumb idea with good intentions. Its like giving a 16 year old kid (who’s never changed a tire) a brand new car. It doesn't end well.   #2- Still on the fence about cryptos? They’re catching on like wild fire in Latin America. So if you're coming down  you’d better start learning about them. Today we discuss that eventuality and the truth about old school guy financial gurus like Warren Buffet who are constantly dissing cryptos.   #3- Latin America Driver’s License update: Governments in gringoized countries like Costa Rica and Ecuador are cracking down on driver’s licenses obtained in sketchy ways. But don't be fooled. It’s not about making the roadways safer. It’s about the money and the fact that gringos and expats can pay big fines, and the locals can’t (just check out the junks they drive). The moral of the story; regarding your permanent “Plan B”, try to skip the gringo tourist trail (except for occasional getaway vacations) or you'll just be a dollar sign to the locals.   #4- Do you want to get into the exploding Crypto-currency world but don’t feel quite confident enough to dive in? Our own Captain Mango has developed a unique one-on-one Crypto consulting and training service (he’s been deep into crypto since 2013). To get started, email him at:

#5- Be sure to pick up my newly updated, "LATIN AMERICAN HEALTHCARE REPORT": The new edition for 2021 (and beyond) is available now, including the latest "Stem Cell Clinic" info and data and my top picks for the best treatment centers for expats and gringos. Just go to and click on the "Latin American Healthcare Report”.

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