#005 - It's Hard to Make Six Figures Without Doing This First
What if you need to make six figures to live the lifestyle you crave? Retire your husband from his soul-sucking day job? Take the vacations you want? And just feel safe and secure? As someone who makes over $100k myself, I want to tell you it is totally achievable. You have GOT this. But here's the thing: You can't make six figures without organizing your business first. In fact, if by some miracle you DO, you'll be wishing you hadn't. Here's why. To make six figures from your service-based business, you'll need to either: Raise your pricing Take on more clients Either way, you need streamlined, simple business systems and processes to pull it off without driving yourself mad or disappointing your high-paying clients. Tune in to this episode of The Simple Business Show to learn more! FREE ROADMAP TO ORGANIZE YOUR BUSINESS: https://neshawoolery.com/roadmap SPONSOR: The Contract Shop: https://neshawoolery.com/contract NESHA’S INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/neshawoolery/ Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate and review this podcast on iTunes. Ratings and reviews are incredibly helpful and really appreciated. For show notes, go to https://neshawoolery.com/podcast