Small actions can create big ripples of change: A conversation on #blacklivesmatter and a deep call in for instilling diversity, inclusion and racial equity ACTION PLANS for entrepreneurs, small businesses, visionaries and revolutionaries
Within this Interlude episode that breaks up seasons 2 and 3 of the Wildly Aligned Podcast, Natalie directly addresses how we as entrepreneurs, small businesses, visionaries and revolutionaries can be a part of the critical mass needed to overturn the white supremest and racist cultures we currently reside within. This episode shares Natalie Brite CORPS personal action plans and what they as a company are DOING to instill an oppression and racism free environment as a business. Natalie also shares actionable steps we can take toward these humanitarian issues so to BE the change we wish to see in the world. Tune in to a discussion on practicing allyship via ACTION.To continue this discussion, visit the Wildly Aligned Podcast's Instagram access Natalie's newsletter, visit: - - - - - - Resources for doing Anti-Racism + White Supremacy Dismantling Work:Anti-Racism Resources a Action Items for White People: The Spiritual Bypassing SupplementCREDIT: This document was compiled by Melanie Rose Prince in May 2020Anti-Racism Resource ListCREDIT: This document was compiled by Melyssa Griffin Book Recommendations:White RageWhite FragilitySo You Want To Talk About RaceWhy I'm No Longer Talking To White People About RaceThe Future of WhitenessME and White SupremacyTowards the Other America: Anti-Racist Resources for White People Taking Action for Black Lives MatterUnderstanding White Privilege: Creating Pathways to Authentic Relationships Across RaceUprooting Racism: How White People Can Work For Racial JusticeI know why the caged bird singsBetween the world and MeThis book is anti-racist: 20 lessons on how to wake up, take action, and do the workThe New Jim CrowThe Hate you Give *If purchasing books: PLEASE research and find black-owned bookstores to purchase from. Things to WATCH:13thThe black power mixtapeFreedom RidersThe hate U giveAmerican SonMoonlightDear White PeopleWhen they see us Medium article on actions white folks can take for racial justice: Article on Performative Allyship:**Please remember when consuming the content of black folks (or ANYONE for this matter) that they are human beings, not machines made simply for your educational benefit. Respect those who you consume content from, PAY those who you learn from, shout them out, amplify their messages. Feel free to share any / all of these resources provided. Support the show (