Inner Child Healing as a Gateway to Expanding Your Business and Life
Within this Inner work outloud episode, Natalie takes you on a journey of exploring the Orphan Archetype and Inner child healing as a gateway to expanding your business and life. Natalie shares how she has been personally working with these concepts as a way to heal ancestral wounds, social media and technology triggers, and provides actionable practices you can take away with you to begin doing your own work with these concepts, too!To learn more about how you can be supported as you do you own inner work paired or to be held as you work to grow your brand, business and self, check out Natalie's align+flow membership: the discussion and go deeper with the wildly aligned podcast community by finding us on Instagram! would love if you took a moment to leave a review about how the podcast has been positively impacting you! Your reviews help us to get the medicine of the podcast out to more people; we SO appreciate you!...The evo planner is a scheduling and planning system that helps you FIND YOUR FLOWThe Evo Planner is a personalized planner and app designed for your unique Brain Type that helps you get the focus, flow, and freedom you need to thrive in all areas of work and life. This is the planner I have been personally looking for, where you get to take a brain type test prior to choosing your planner. The test helps you figure out what brain type you have, and then you align your brain type the the planner you choose. Each of the 4 brain type planners are designed to align with YOUR personal style and way of executing projects + manifesting your vision. Its a beautiful, transformational design that I instantly fell in love with! To learn more about the Evo Planner or snag one for yourself, visit my special link: Support the show (