So it Unfolds: Welcome to the Wildly Aligned Podcast
The Wildly Aligned Podcast brings you deep, conscious conversations as medicine to support your evolution into the new paradigm of how we create, manifest, and contribute in our work and lives. Join in on discussions that will help you to unveil your authentic truth, discover your original gifts, unlock your souls purpose, and step into your higher self. This is your space to have support in understanding who you are and what you were put on earth to fulfill. The world is waking up - Welcome to the transition team.The Wildly Aligned Podcast's intention is to create a container for you to spill open. I encourage listeners to tune in with an open heart, mind, and a willingness to see things with a new perspective. I believe that each and every individual is here with a very important purpose to live out and it is my calling to help you to find out what that is, help you develop the courage to listen to your intuitions guidance, and to help you cultivate the bravery to choose to follow the flow of what lights you up.If you're inspired by this podcast, I would love for you to leave a review, subscribe, and share with those who you think need these messages. For more intimate support on your personal or professional journey, or to simply stop by and say hi, feel free to reach out and connect more! Instagram: Join the newsletter to keep up to date when new episodes air: Support the show (